Early Bird Passes are now available! (until June 15th!)

Designed by Mako Fuwa

Early Bird Passes are now available!

All-Access Pass (provides access to all 8 films for the duration of the festival): $23

3 Virtual Ticket Bundle (provide access to 3 films for the duration of the festival): $15

Single Virtual Ticket (provides access to a single film for the duration of the festival): $9

Early Bird Passes are available only until June 15th, after which All-Access Passes will cost $25, 3 Virtual Ticket Bundle will cost $17, and Single Virtual Ticket will cost $10. Don't miss the opportunity to enjoy the entire festival for only $23!!!

Also, we are accepting donations along with the ticket purchase. We sincerely appreciate your generous support. We appreciate any help you can provide!


Director Spotlight #1: “Angry Son”


Director’s Comment: The Takatsu River